- 2000 Commandments for Interfaith Dialogue
- 2002 INSCAN Civilization and Interfaith Conversation
- 2004 IACHE Multiple Religious Belonging, TCMJ Vol 2
- 2007 Academic Matters, The Value of University Chaplaincy
- 2008 IACHE Ecumenism 1 - The Many Meanings
- 2008 IACHE Ecumenism 2 - A Survey of Campus Chaplains
- 2011 Mandate Echo workshops
- 2012 IACHE Listening to SBNR Voices
- 2012 Religion and Spirituality in Student Life
- 2013 The Changing Landscape of Religion in Canada
- 2014 UofT Quarterly Review, Schweitzer, The UCC
- 2015 Canadian Society for the Study of Religion
- 2015 Ivison lecture - SBNR, a new Canadian spirituality
- 2015 Public Intellectuals Lecture, Chrismukkah and the Lives of Pi
- 2015a SBNR theodicy
- 2015b draft chapter Jew-ish
- 2015c draft chapter Anglican agnostics
- 2015d draft chapter Faint Presbyterian echoes