The third meeting of the Carleton Interfaith Chaplaincy Council took place Thursday afternoon February 12 in the Interfaith Chaplaincy Centre.
- The meeting began at 2:30 pm with Introductions
- The Opening Devotional observed the commonality of loving concern for neighbor across the various religious traditions.
- Attendance
Present Ryan Flannagan, Karen Green, Meg Illman-White, Tim McCauley, Michael Perkin, Danielle Ring, Aisha Sherazi, Tom Sherwood and Sid Ypma
Regrets Scott Goldstein, Sikander Hasmi, Leslie Macdonald Hicks, Kristin Konieczny, Roseann O’Reilly Runte, Michael Sakran, Adil Tahseen and Arran Thorpe - Approval of Agenda
- Approval of January Minutes
- Introductions and welcoming
Ryan Flannagan is Director of Student Affairs, and he sees himself linking with the CICCouncil about various matters, especially practical ones such as the concern about a window in the door of T27A, and matters affecting the relationship between the Interfaith Chaplaincy activities and student services generally. He intends to attend the March meeting.
Karen Green is the Director of Equity Services (newly appointed in January), and expects to work with the CICCouncil on issues, and attend meetings for specific consultations but not regularly. She mentioned the upcoming Truth and Reconciliation Commission culminating event in Ottawa at the end of May. Tom and Meg are already associated with this. It raises again the need to develop a clear relationship between the CIC Council and the Aboriginal Students Centre and programs.
Danielle Ring is a RELI student, graduating in June 2015. Under the Alumni Association program, Tom is her mentor this year, and when she expressed interest in the CICC, he invited her to attend this meeting
Sid Ypma is the Christian Reformed Church Chaplain to uOttawa, Carleton and Algonquin, but has been establishing himself only at uOttawa so far. He has consulted extensively with Tom over the past 3 years, and he intends to begin participating in the Carleton IC Chaplaincy and Council in September 2015. - Office Hours
We reviewed the schedule of volunteer chaplains and some logistical concerns about the Centre and volunteer office hours. At this time, the following people have pass cards:
Scott Goldstein
Meg Illman-White
Tim McCauley
Tom Sherwood
Arran Thorpe
Kristin Konieczny
There is also one at the reception desk in 503 Tory, so it is available during the day (approx. 8 am to 5:30 pm) Mon-Friday. Tom has two more pass cards for volunteer chaplains to be recruited. - Program
- International Women’s Day/Week
We had a general discussion based on Meg’s note, and decided not to try anything too ambitious at this time, not until the CICC is larger, more established, better known and better able to partner. - Tom reported that, in response to an initiative from the off-campus Seventh Day Adventist community, a professional Dealing with Stress workshop would be provided for students and other members of the Carleton community on Monday March 9 in the IC Centre.
- He also reported that he is organizing a “Careers related to Religious Studies” workshop to be located in a 5000-level seminar but open to any interested students. It will be held on Monday March 23rd at 11:35 am until 1 pm; and Tom will co-lead it with a counsellor from the Careers Centre.
- Tim gave notice of a series of Leadership seminars to be held in the IC Centre in March… details to be shared.
- International Women’s Day/Week
- With Sid, Karen and Ryan joining in from their roles and perspectives, we had a free-wheeling conversation on Membership in the Council, and Terms of Reference for the Chaplaincy and the Chaplaincy Centre. Sid and Tom mentioned their consultation with Marc Duval (Director of Community Life at uOttawa), Ryan’s colleague on many shared concerns. Both Sid and Aisha stated their intentions of joining the Volunteer Chaplain roster for scheduled office hours in September. Tom had sent out a draft MOU, which both Tim and Michael affirmed as a good working document. Two other specific suggestions are emerging:
- that the Coordinator role be a 1-year term beginning July 1 each year, and that the members of Council choose/elect the Coordinator from among their membership each Spring
- that the Council make an Annual Report to the university each year, probably in June, copies to the President, the VPSS and the Student Affairs office.
There is concern that the Ecumenical Chaplaincy is not well-enough organized at this point to participate. This is a serious loss of personnel and financial resources, tradition and corporate memory. Meg is already organizing the April Pause Table, but this will be on our March agenda, especially the issue of budget. We need to do an inventory of supplies… and a shopping list.
- Next meeting: Thursday afternoon March 5 at 2:30 pm in the ICCentre.
- Tom to address Imam Sikander Hasmi about office hours in March-April.
- Tom to continue recruiting, help and suggestions appreciated.
- Michael, Scott and others with the interest and the time to consider issues of policy – the MOU, a Constitution, definition of Volunteer Chaplain, terms of reference for the IC Centre, definition of the Coordinator’s role.
- Tom and Michael to try to resolve issues with the Ecumenical Chaplaincy Board.
- Tim to let everybody know about the Leadership seminars.
- Meg to let everybody know about an interfaith potluck dinner gathering at Southminster UC.
All Minutes are posted on the website:
Other resources related to our work are also posted:
And the Agenda for our work from here to June is posted: