Minutes – May 22, 2015

Carleton Interfaith Chaplaincy Council
Thursday May 22, 2015 – 1 pm

1. The meeting began at 1 pm with Introductions.

Regrets were received from Ryan Flannagan, Karen Green, Tim McCauley, Arran Thorpe, and Sid Ypma.

But instead of Karen, Smita Bharadia (Equity Advisor) attended, and instead of Ryan, Vicki Boman (Student Support Case Manager) attended, and instead of Fr. Tim, Andrew Nobauer (Roman Catholic Chaplaincy) attended.
Also present: Scott Goldstein, Brian Laughton, Leslie Macdonald-Hicks, Bertie Mo, Michael Perkin and Tom Sherwood

2. Opening Devotional “Interfaith, Multifaith and Syncretism” – Tom animated a brief discussion of the terms we use for activities and programs that involve people from different religions and faith perspectives.

3. The Agenda and April 16, 2015 Minutes were both approved as circulated.

4. University Reports

a) Student Affairs.
Vicki described her work with Students at Risk, in a general way mentioning incidents and referrals that might be areas where the Chaplaincy and Student Affairs would work together. She also reviewed Ryan’s concern about any Chaplaincy items that might impact his Student Affairs budget. The only two identified, at this time, are the WiFi and the “counselling room” door. There will also be a need for more access cards in September when we have a larger number of people using the office, but that is not seen as a major expense.

b) Equity Office.
Smita described her own work in equity at Carleton, including Religious Accommodations, the Jewish Issues Committee and the Muslim Issues Committee. She added that Karen and Bertie are working together on relating Carleton to the culminating events of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, May 30 to June 2.

c) Residence Life.
Laura reminded us that her M.Ed. focus was on spirituality, and that she is dedicated to including religion and spirituality in the ResLife programming.
She and Scott are consulting on a “Big Ideas” series that would include exploring faith and spirituality in a secular university as part of the student experience. It might engage such issues as altruism, for example.
She also spoke about Food Services issues relating to Kosher and Halal requests. Scott reported very positively on this, and Laura indicated that there is a plan in place for the exceptional schedule needs in Ramadan.
Laura emphasized the Interfaith Chaplaincy’s opportunities to participate in ResLife training on August 18, 19 and 20, and Aug 24. – These events are described on the first page of “Anticipating the 2015-2016 Academic Year” as follows (copy and paste) —

Two opportunities to participate in ResFellow training – 94 student staff preparing to be resource people for the 3600 students in residence from September 1, 2015 to April 30, 2016.

1. Case Study Scavenger Hunt
Teams are formed, problems and cases are presented, and the teams go from place to place (offices and service centres) collecting clues and solving their case studies.

Three days
Tuesday August 18th @ 2:00pm-5:30pm      *not all offices are open after 4:30pm
Wednesday August 19th @ 1:00pm – 4:30pm
Thursday August 20th @ 1:00pm – 4:30pm.

This would involve Volunteer Interfaith Chaplains waiting in the Chaplaincy Centre until each team arrives, and being prepared to give out the clue to the next step.


2. Campus Services Fair Lunch
An opportunity for ResLife staff to become familiar with the various services available on campus and acquire resources to refer to as needed. ResLife woud like to include the Interfaith Chaplaincy. So, they are hosting a Carleton Services Fair Lunch for the 94 student staff on Monday, August 24th  from 12:30pm-2:00pm.  The Interfaith Chaplaincy would be assigned a table, and it would be hoped that a table-top display, posters and take-away literature would be available, plus one or two or three people to answer questions – lunch would be provided for all participants.

Location TBA.
Monday, August 24th  from 12:30pm-2:00pm.


It was decided that the Interfaith Chaplaincy could probably staff for the Scavenger Hunt and definitely staff for the Services Fair. The roster of volunteers for these activities will be developed in June.

It was noted that “Move In” Day is the Saturday before Labour Day this year. Also from the advance document “Anticipating the 2015-2016 Academic Year” –

2015 schedule
Tuesday September 1 is Academic Orientation Day
Wednesday September 2 classes begin, and Wednesday-Thursday are normal days.
Friday September 4 classes follow a Monday schedule.
Monday September 7 is Labour Day, a Statutory holiday, the university is closed.
Tuesday September 8 is the first day for Tuesday classes.
Monday-Friday September 14-18 is the first “normal” week… except for people who observe
Rosh Hashanah (September 14).

5. Volunteer Coordinator’s Report
Tom reported that he had preached the homily at the Joe Scanlon funeral May 9, and done considerable visiting with the family and with Joe’s “Carleton family.”
He said that he and Bertie were continuing part-time office hours through May and June.
He reminded the Council that the June 25th meeting would be his last as the Volunteer Coordinator, although he would be available to support his successor and the Council from off campus the rest of the year (July 1 to December 31) and possibly as an extra volunteer, if needed, when he returns to teaching in January 2016. The Council needs to recruit a Coordinator for the 2015-2016 Academic Year, a one-year term.

6. Office Hours
Scott uses the Interfaith Chaplaincy office, but does not schedule office hours. Tom and Bertie are each volunteering about 3-4 hours/week in May-June.
There are a number of volunteers who might offer office hours in July-August. One or two will be invited to the June 25 meeting. The Council will need to establish the schedule of office hours for September on.

7. Program
The April Pause Table was offered on 9 exam days and attracted/served 11,000+ contacts. Huge thanks to Meg Illman-White, Ryan Babcock and Adam O’Neill and everybody.

8. Constitutional documents as distributed
The following documents were reviewed for information and approved as appropriate drafts for the coming year of chaplaincy, the 2015-2016 academic year. They will be a basis for our work together, but reviewed and revised according to experience.

Memorandum of Understanding
Responsibilities of the Coordinator
Responsibilities of the Interfaith Chaplaincy
Financial Support
Anticipating the 2015-2016 academic year

9. Any other business
Scott invited everybody to Yehuda’s Bar Mitvah !
It is on Saturday June 27. The invitation will be e-mailed, and several of us already plan to go.

10. Next meeting: June 25 at 1 pm

Minutes – April 16, 2015

The fifth meeting of the Carleton Interfaith Chaplaincy Council took place on Thursday April 16, 2015 at 2:30 pm in the Interfaith Chaplaincy Centre.

There were informal introductions before the meeting began.

Ryan Flannagan, CU Student Services
Karen Green, CU Equity Services
Bertie Mo, United Church
Michael Perkin, Ecumenical Chaplaincy and Anglican Church
Scott Goldstein, Jewish community
Brian Laughton, Ecumenical Chaplaincy and Presbyterian Church
Tom Sherwood, Volunteer Interim Coordinator
Laura Storey, Director, Housing and Residence Life
Sid Ypma, Christian Reformed Chaplaincy

Regrets and
Absent Friends of the Interfaith Chaplaincy
Sikander Hasmi, Leslie Macdonald-Hicks, Tim McCauley, Michael Sakran, Roseann O’Reilly Runte, Aisha Sherazi, Arran Thorpe
Note: In the future, the second person from the Roman Catholic chaplaincy (in addition to Fr. Tim) will be Andrew Nobauer.

  1. Tom called the meeting to order at 2:30 pm
  2. Opening Devotional An excerpt from Diving Deeply, a 2013 book of Lenten meditations, was distributed and considered. Written by Tom, it narrates the importance of food in campus chaplaincy, and specifically mentions the Carleton Pause Table.
  3. Approval of Agenda
  4. Approval of March Minutes
  5. University Reports
    • Ryan reviewed a number of practical and logistical items:
      • WiFi in the Chaplaincy Centre
      • email address and accounts for Interfaith Chaplains and the Council
      • the T27A door
    • Laura briefed the Council members on Residence Life.
      • There are 3600 beds in Residence at this time,
        • 71 ResFellows,
        • 8 Residence Managers
        • 5 of these live in apartments on campus
        • 3 do not live in.
      • The ResFellows are recruited in January each year.
      • ResFellow training will be August 17 to 28 this year.
      • The Interfaith Chaplaincy could do an information table for the ResFellows and all ResLife staff in late August, likely the last week, date to be determined.
      • Are there any gender-specific floors in Residence? – generally only 2.
      • Theme floors? – usually 4 or 5
      • The proposed new residence building, north of Leeds House, is planned to have 500 beds in suites for upper year and graduate students. Dates of construction and opening will probably be determined in June.
      • How many physically disabled students receiving attendant care services? – between 50 and 100.
      • If the Interfaith Chaplaincy wishes to inform ResLife of a specific event or program (like the Stress workshop) how best to do it next Fall? – Laura replied that she like to be the contact, and would be happy to work with the CICC on program. Scott and Laura consulted specifically on Big Questions programming for Fall 2015.
    • Karen reported that Carleton would be connecting with the culminating events of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, May 30th to June 3rd, and hoped that Equity Services would be able to partner with the Interfaith Chaplaincy in promotion, consultation and possibly hosting on-campus events. Since Tom and Bertie are already connected with programs that weekend, and Bertie has been involved with TRC issues for several years, it was agreed that she would take on this portfolio for the next month. (Bertie and Karen met together about this as soon as the CICC meeting concluded.)
  6. Program
    • Dealing with Stress Workshop (March 9)
      • Tom reported that this was held in the CIC Centre, and about 15 people attended
    • Careers related to Religious Studies Workshop (March 23)
      • Tom reported that this was held in the RELI Seminar Room (in 2A Paterson Hall) and was attended by about 15 people.
    • Publicity for these two events in Today@Carleton raised awareness on campus of the presence of the new CICC.
    • The April Pause Table began on Monday April 13 and will go to the last day of exams, Thursday the 23rd. It has been well-organized by Meg and is receiving more than 1000 student visits per day, some days 1200-1500. Ryan Babcock, an alumnus of the Ecumenical Chaplaincy has been an amazing volunteer – several 6-hour days. The list of faith communities contributing food, volunteers and clergy leaders is a long one: Grace Presbyterian, Trinity Anglican (Arran), Resurrection Anglican, Riverside United, Rideau Park United, St. Giles Presbyterian, St. Aidan’s Anglican, St. Mark’s Anglican, Resurrection Lutheran, Journey Church, Carleton Memorial United, St. Alban’s Anglican, the Stittsville-Richmond team, Southminster United, the Ottawa Muslim Association, the Quaker Meeting, Scott (Hillel House), Trinity United, St. Matthias Anglican, Centretown United and the Glebe Minyan… at least. We’ll correct and complete this list at the May meeting.
  7. Other Business
    • Sid reported that the Canadian Association of College and University Student Services (CACUSS — http://www.cacuss.ca/) is animating two national consultations about multifaith space and interfaith chaplaincies on Canadian campuses. One is at the CACUSS agm in BC in May, but the second is in Toronto in June, and Sid has been invited to it. The group has funding to fly people like Sid in for the consultation.
  8. Next two meetings:
    • Friday May 22nd at 1 pm 
    • Thursday June 25th at 1 pm

The May meeting will need two hours.

I will be sending out various constitutional documents a few days ahead of time, and we will use the meeting to edit/improve/add/subtract. We hope to establish a Draft Constitution, Protocols and MOU for the 2015-16 year (July 1 to June 30).

The June meeting will need 90 minutes. It will include a report by Sid from a national consultation

The June 25 meeting will be my last as the Volunteer Coordinator. When I said Yes to the President last Fall, it was for the period from Dec 1 to June 30. If we adopt the constitution that I will be sending out prior to the May meeting, the members of the Council will need to recruit someone to be the Coordinator for a 1-year term, July 1 to June 30, 2016. I will support that person and the Chaplaincy as Past Coordinator, but from off-campus for 6 months – available by email and telephone. I plan to return in January as “added value” — an extra volunteer chaplain in the Centre and an extra member of the Council if desired.

Minutes – March 5, 2015

The fourth meeting of the Carleton Interfaith Chaplaincy Council took place on Thursday March 5, 2015 at 2:30 pm in the Interfaith Chaplaincy Centre.

1. Tom called the meeting to order at 2:30 pm and began with Introductions


Ryan Flannagan, CU Student Services
– Sikander Hashmi from the Muslim community
– Zopa Kelsang from the Buddhist community
– Brian Laughton, Moderator of the Ottawa Presbytery
Karen Green, CU Equity Services
Meg Illman-White, Ecumenica Chaplaincyl and United Church
Michael Perkin, Ecumenical Chaplaincy and Anglican Church
Scott Goldstein, Jewish community
Sikander Hasmi, Muslim community
Zopa Kelsang, Buddhist community
Kristin Konieczny, Roman Catholic Chaplaincy
Brian Laughton, Ecumenical Chaplaincy and Presbyterian Church
Tom Sherwood, Volunteer Interim Coordinator
Arran Thorpe, Anglican Church

Regrets and absent Friends of the Interfaith Chaplaincy

Leslie Macdonald Hicks, Tim McCauley, Michael Sakran, Roseann O’Reilly
Runte, Aisha Sherazi, Adil Tahseen, Sid Ypma

2. Opening Devotional “Why is university chaplaincy important?” (printed and attached)

3. Approval of Agenda

4. Approval of February Minutes

5. University Report

Ryan engaged the practical concerns that the volunteer chaplains have

WiFi for students hanging out in the Chaplaincy Centre
a CCS account for the Chaplaincy and volunteer chaplains
a window in the north door
networks for publicity

6. Office Hours

We reviewed the schedule of volunteer chaplains this term and any logistical concerns about the Centre and volunteer office hours. We are open about 20 hours a week now; but plans are in place for more hours beginning in the September:

-Zopa is helping us recruit an appropriate Buddhist chaplain; Tom will connect and orient
-Sid is committing to the academic year beginning in September
-Aisha is committing to next year too.
-Meanwhile Sikander can begin evening hours in April. Tom will give orientation.
-Meg needs to reduce her hours; but an Adjunct professor who is United Church has expressed interest.
-Tom, Arran, Scott, Michael and Kristin continue to keep the Chaplaincy Centre open several hours per week.

7. Program

1. and 2. Arran reported on the two free coffee days (March 2 and 4) and the Open Table which will be March 8 and Second Sunday Evenings each month, a community of student-aged people sharing a nourishing home-cooked meal off campus.
3. Tom reported on the planning and publicity for the Dealing with Stress workshop to be held in the Interfaith chaplaincy on Monday March 9
4. Tom reported on the “Careers related to Religious Studies” workshop that he will co-lead with Phaedra Gryz of Career Services on March 23. There are already expressions of interest from about a dozen students. It will be held in 2A46 Paterson – the RELI Seminar Room
5. Kristen informed the Council members about the Wednesday Leadership series
6. Scott mentioned an interfaith model – “The Big Questions” – that he would like to introduce next Fall.
7. The April Pause Table – Meg has taken the lead here, scheduling volunteer groups, and organizing them. She has sent out briefing material to guide them. She recruited members of the Council for various days. Tom and Ryan Babcock will cover the morning start-ups; Adam and Michael will be around for most takedowns, but the roster isn’t quite complete. Meg distributed the schedule and we filled in blanks as much as possible.

7. Terms of Reference for the Chaplaincy and the Chaplaincy Centre,

Administrative concerns

With Brian present as a representative of the Presbyterian Church (he is Moderator of the Ottawa Presbytery), a member of the Board of the Ecumenical Chaplaincy, and a member of the Carleton community who deals with student issues (he is Associate Dean of Engineering), we engaged in a general discussion about funding, staffing and organization. One of the variables for the Interfaith Chaplaincy as it becomes established this Spring and serves the Carleton community in the 2015-2016 academic year will be the issue of the Ecumenical Chaplaincy – will it revive and participate in the interfaith model as the Roman Catholic Chaplaincy is doing? Or will it wind down, and the individual denominations participate? Will the off-campus religious groups that have supported campus ministry at Carleton in the past choose to renew their financial support in the interfaith model?

Brian, Michael and Tom took homework assignments out of this discussion.

8. Next meeting: Thursday April 16 at 2:30

The first day of exams is Saturday April 11, the last is Thurs April 23.

The first day of The Pause Table is Monday April 13.


Minutes of the December, January and February meetings have been posted on the website:

Other resources related to our work are also posted:

And the Agenda for our work from here to June is posted:

Minutes – February 12, 2015

The third meeting of the Carleton Interfaith Chaplaincy Council took place Thursday afternoon February 12 in the Interfaith Chaplaincy Centre.

  1. The meeting began at 2:30 pm with Introductions
  2. The Opening Devotional observed the commonality of loving concern for neighbor across the various religious traditions.
  3. Attendance
    Present Ryan Flannagan, Karen Green, Meg Illman-White, Tim McCauley, Michael Perkin, Danielle Ring, Aisha Sherazi, Tom Sherwood and Sid Ypma
    Regrets Scott Goldstein, Sikander Hasmi, Leslie Macdonald Hicks, Kristin Konieczny, Roseann O’Reilly Runte, Michael Sakran, Adil Tahseen and Arran Thorpe
  4. Approval of Agenda
  5. Approval of January Minutes
  6. Introductions and welcoming
    Ryan Flannagan is Director of Student Affairs, and he sees himself linking with the CICCouncil about various matters, especially practical ones such as the concern about a window in the door of T27A, and matters affecting the relationship between the Interfaith Chaplaincy activities and student services generally. He intends to attend the March meeting.
    Karen Green is the Director of Equity Services (newly appointed in January), and expects to work with the CICCouncil on issues, and attend meetings for specific consultations but not regularly. She mentioned the upcoming Truth and Reconciliation Commission culminating event in Ottawa at the end of May. Tom and Meg are already associated with this. It raises again the need to develop a clear relationship between the CIC Council and the Aboriginal Students Centre and programs.
    Danielle Ring is a RELI student, graduating in June 2015. Under the Alumni Association program, Tom is her mentor this year, and when she expressed interest in the CICC, he invited her to attend this meeting
    Sid Ypma is the Christian Reformed Church Chaplain to uOttawa, Carleton and Algonquin, but has been establishing himself only at uOttawa so far. He has consulted extensively with Tom over the past 3 years, and he intends to begin participating in the Carleton IC Chaplaincy and Council in September 2015.
  7. Office Hours
    We reviewed the schedule of volunteer chaplains and some logistical concerns about the Centre and volunteer office hours. At this time, the following people have pass cards:
    Scott Goldstein
    Meg Illman-White
    Tim McCauley
    Tom Sherwood
    Arran Thorpe
    Kristin Konieczny
    There is also one at the reception desk in 503 Tory, so it is available during the day (approx. 8 am to 5:30 pm) Mon-Friday. Tom has two more pass cards for volunteer chaplains to be recruited.
  8. Program
    • International Women’s Day/Week
      We had a general discussion based on Meg’s note, and decided not to try anything too ambitious at this time, not until the CICC is larger, more established, better known and better able to partner.
    • Tom reported that, in response to an initiative from the off-campus Seventh Day Adventist community, a professional Dealing with Stress workshop would be provided for students and other members of the Carleton community on Monday March 9 in the IC Centre.
    • He also reported that he is organizing a “Careers related to Religious Studies” workshop to be located in a 5000-level seminar but open to any interested students. It will be held on Monday March 23rd at 11:35 am until 1 pm; and Tom will co-lead it with a counsellor from the Careers Centre.
    • Tim gave notice of a series of Leadership seminars to be held in the IC Centre in March… details to be shared.
  9. With Sid, Karen and Ryan joining in from their roles and perspectives, we had a free-wheeling conversation on Membership in the Council, and Terms of Reference for the Chaplaincy and the Chaplaincy Centre. Sid and Tom mentioned their consultation with Marc Duval (Director of Community Life at uOttawa), Ryan’s colleague on many shared concerns. Both Sid and Aisha stated their intentions of joining the Volunteer Chaplain roster for scheduled office hours in September. Tom had sent out a draft MOU, which both Tim and Michael affirmed as a good working document. Two other specific suggestions are emerging:
    1. that the Coordinator role be a 1-year term beginning July 1 each year, and that the members of Council choose/elect the Coordinator from among their membership each Spring
    2. that the Council make an Annual Report to the university each year, probably in June, copies to the President, the VPSS and the Student Affairs office.

      There is concern that the Ecumenical Chaplaincy is not well-enough organized at this point to participate. This is a serious loss of personnel and financial resources, tradition and corporate memory. Meg is already organizing the April Pause Table, but this will be on our March agenda, especially the issue of budget. We need to do an inventory of supplies… and a shopping list.

  10. Next meeting: Thursday afternoon March 5 at 2:30 pm in the ICCentre.


  1. Tom to address Imam Sikander Hasmi about office hours in March-April.
  2. Tom to continue recruiting, help and suggestions appreciated.
  3. Michael, Scott and others with the interest and the time to consider issues of policy – the MOU, a Constitution, definition of Volunteer Chaplain, terms of reference for the IC Centre, definition of the Coordinator’s role.
  4. Tom and Michael to try to resolve issues with the Ecumenical Chaplaincy Board.
  5. Tim to let everybody know about the Leadership seminars.
  6. Meg to let everybody know about an interfaith potluck dinner gathering at Southminster UC.

All Minutes are posted on the website:

Other resources related to our work are also posted:

And the Agenda for our work from here to June is posted:

Minutes – January 15, 2015

The second meeting of the CIC Council took place at 2:30 pm in the CIC Centre.

Scott Goldstein
Meg Illman-White
Michael Perkin
Roseann O’Reilly Runte
Aisha Sherazi
Tom Sherwood
Arran Thorpe

Sikander Hasmi
Leslie Macdonald Hicks
Kristin Konieczny
Tim McCauley
Michael Sakran
Adil Tahseen

1. The meeting began at 2:30 pm with greetings and introductions

2. The Opening Devotional was actually an Interfaith Quiz. The challenge was to identify the source religion for several parallel and similar teachings from different faith traditions.

3. Approval of Agenda
Since some had to leave early, Tom was given permission to chair the agenda in a way that would be flexible and responsive to people’s attendance.

4. Approval of December Minutes
Two corrections or additions: reference to the December Pause Table should include appreciation of the contributions made by Ryan Babcock and Michael Perkin.

5. Greetings from President Runte
(This also picked up Item 7 on the circulated Agenda – program.)
Roseann spoke about the plans for a Carleton interfaith event related to International Women’s Day, and several people joined in the conversation. Arran reminded the group of the 2015 theme, “Make it happen!” and we brainstormed models and resources. It was decided that:

  • Meg and Aisha would approach Katherine Kelly
  • the model would be a 3-person interfaith panel of women with a moderator
  • the focusing questions for each panelist would be something like
    • What is the “It” in “Make it happen”?
    • What is your religion doing to make changes?
    • What needs to be done?

We brainstormed names of people who might participate.
All Council members need to take responsibility for contributing to the planning and promotion of this event, but Meg and Aisha will take the first steps.

6. We reviewed Office Hours for the volunteer chaplains, and Arran signed up for Monday mornings from 9:30 am. This will mean that he overlaps with Tom a bit, just as Meg does on Tuesday.

7. Program (See #5 above.)

8. Membership in the Council
Tom reported that Syd Ypma, the Ottawa Christian Reformed Campus Chaplain, based at uOttawa, is interested in connecting with the CICC; and it was agreed to invite him to the next meeting and possible continuing membership. Tom will also speak with Paul Skanks and Irwin Hill about Aboriginal membership, Angela Sumeji about a Buddhist rep and or chaplain, and with Dr. Harsha V. Dehejia about Hindu participation.

9. Tom mentioned that the agenda for the first six months of 2015 includes the establishment of draft guidelines for the Council and the use of the Centre. He asked if Scott and Michael could look over the resource materials posted on the Canadian Campus Chaplaincy Centre website, and do a little advance thinking about this.
Tom also reported that he has been invited to consult with Marc Duvall, Director of Community Life Services at uOttawa, because they are considering the formation of an interfaith chaplaincy council too. Scott agreed to join that meeting if he is available.

The meeting had to adjourn at 3:30 because of people’s commitments, but Meg and Aisha began working on their plans for the International Women’s Day/Week event, and Tom and Arran consulted about office hours before departures.

And we scheduled the next meeting: Thursday February 12 at 2:30 pm in the Interfaith Chaplaincy Centre.

International Women’s Day/Week event – Aisha, Meg, Roseann and everybody; Adil to be in touch about CUSA and Womyn’s Centre plans
Office Hours – all volunteer chaplains, Aisha and Sikander to consider introducing the Muslim presence into office hours
Constitution – Michael and Scott to give some thought to this, looking over resources.
Membership – Tom to be very busy recruiting, also generating Minutes, Notice of Meeting and staying in touch with people between meetings.

Minutes of the December meeting have been posted on the website:

Other resources related to our work are also posted:

And the Agenda for our work from here to June is posted:

These draft minutes will be posted soon.

Minutes – December 12, 2014

Carleton University Interfaith Chaplaincy Council
meeting December 12, 2014
in the Interfaith Chaplaincy Centre

1:30 pm informal time of visiting the new Centre and visiting with each other
2 pm Call to Order and Introductions

Scott Goldstein Jewish community
Rev. Dr. Meg Illman-White Ecumenical Chaplaincy
Leslie Macdonald Hicks Ecumenical Chaplaincy
Fr. Tim McCauley Roman Catholic Chaplaincy
Michael Perkin Ecumenical Chaplaincy
MaryAnne Pomainville Executive Assistant to the President
Dr. Roseann O’Reilly Runte President, Carleton University
Rev. Dr. Tom Sherwood Volunteer Interim Coordinator
Sandra Slater Administrative Assistant, President’s Office
Adil Tahseen Vice President Student Services, CUSA

Kristin Konieczny Roman Catholic Chaplaincy
Fr. Michael Sakran Orthodox Christian community
Dr. Aisha Sherazi Muslim community
Imam Sikander Hasmi Muslim community

Opening devotion – Tom Sherwood led an eyes-wide-open devotional exercise, letting the five fingers of his left hand remind us of people and responsibilities related to campus chaplaincy: vulnerable people (the little finger), relationships (ring finger), leaders (middle finger), teachers and guides, advisors and counsellors (index or pointing finger), and work, careers, vocational decisions and volunteer activity (the opposable thumb that allows us to hold tools).

Opening remarks – President Roseann O’Reilly Runte thanked everyone for their generous willingness to be involved, and to take on the leadership and student advisory roles in the months ahead.  She gave some background to the decisions resulting in the ICCentre and ICCouncil, reviewed the reasoning behind the design, her hopes for the future, and her willingness to offer support.

Review of Agenda for this meeting
The agenda was agreed to as circulated.

Schedule of office hours
A Monday-to-Friday, 9-to-5 calendar was passed around and volunteer chaplains were encouraged to sign up for office hours in the ICCentre for the Winter Term beginning Monday January5th..

– Meg volunteered Tuesdays 10 am to noon
– Tim has been maintaining Wed-Thursday office hours 10 am to 2 pm, and will continue
– Scott indicated that Monday and/or Tuesday afternoons would work for him
– we assumed that Fr. Michael would continue his Thurs late-afternoon schedule (4-6?)
– Tom offered to open the Centre at 8:30 am Mondays and Tuesdays and stay till 10-ish

This initial response results in the Centre being open and staffed by a volunteer chaplain every day from Mon-Thursday in the new term:

8:30 – 10 – Tom
afternoon – possibly Scott

8:30 – 10 – Tom
10 – noon – Meg
afternoon – possibly Scott

10am – 2pm – Tim

10am – 2pm – Tim
4 – 6pm – Michael

Keys were distributed to:
Scott Goldstein
Meg Illman-White
Tim McCauley
Tom Sherwood

Tom has one more key, and will communicate with Fr. Michael about his plans. It is hoped that several other members of the ICCouncil can be recruited, and that some of them will volunteer office hours as well.

Schedule of future meetings
It was quickly determined that Thursday afternoons at 2:30 pm would get the best attendance, and it was suggested that we establish monthly meetings on the second or third Thursday. Reviewing January, we determined that the next meeting will be the Third Thursday – January 15th in the ICC at 2:30 pm. No decision was made about February. The third Thursday is in Study Break (February 19th) which may or may not be a factor. Second Tuesday is February 12th.

Program ideas

  1. Pause Table

Michael and Meg reported on the December Pause Table, every day of exams Monday-to-Friday

Free nourishing food for students in the Atrium of the UniCentre from 10 am till early afternoon, provided by a schedule of parishes and congregations with participation by the Muslim and Jewish communities – 1000-1500 students served per day.

Meg volunteered to coordinate the Pause Table again in April 2015.

Tim offered ways in which the RC Chaplaincy will be more involved and supportive.

  1. Interfaith observance of International Women’s Day, March 8

This is a Sunday this year, but Adil said that CUSA and the Womyn’s Centre are already thinking of a program that might go over several days.  It could certainly include a multifaith panel or prayer service or arts event.  Meg suggested a variety evening with skits and/ormonologues, planned presentations and possibly open-mike. Two off-campus groups of Carleton graduates (Faith House and SCM Ottawa) would like to contribute.

Relationship with CUSA
Relationship between the Interfaith Chaplaincy Centre and Council
and the CUSA Multifaith Centre
Adil Tahseen, Vice President Student Services, CUSA expressed CUSA’s enthusiasm for the new Interfaith Chaplaincy Centre and the Council, and reviewed how the CUSA Multifaith Centre has been operating in its first year of existence. He told Council members how the room can be booked, what sorts of program and events are happening there, and how the ICCentre and ICCouncil might connect. One point is that no food is allowed in the MFC. We do expect people to eat in the ICCentre. In fact, we hope it will become a place where lunch-time programs and informal lunch-time conversations will take place. It is possible that Adil will refer booking requests to the ICCentre, and that the ICCouncil will seek to book times in the MFC. We’ll continue to discuss these relationships in the months ahead. And Adil intends to come to the January 15th meeting.

Review of Agenda for the period to June 30, 2015

  1. establishing the Council
    1. a) membership
    2. b) terms of reference
  2. establishing terms of reference for use of the space


Membership in the Council and Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference for the Space

Terms of Reference for Activities and Behaviour in the Space

Tom presented resources related to the administrative and organizational tasks before us. There are models for ICCouncils and ICCentres at other Canadian universities and at other universities around the world. He highlighted the University of Victoria (B.C.) website and the websites associated with the multifaith centre and the interfaith chaplaincy council at the University of Toronto. There are several other relevant articles, websites and links that may help us do our uniquely Carleton work in the months ahead. They are appended to the Minutes.

We did a brief inventory of our gifts and diversity as a start-up interfaith council. We have some clergy and some lay people, women and men, Jewish, Muslim and Christian members. There is a need to go beyond the Abrahamic religions – Dr.Dehejia of the Carleton Hindu Centre could be approached. The Buddhist, Sikh and Baha’I communities also, perhaps a conservative, evangelical Christian representative. Scott volunteered to help the Council communicate more effectively through social media, possibly a website.

Meg emphasized that a vision of the hoped-for community and activities must precede both organizational design and room design, so we talked about that in general and specific ways. One idea seemed to be agreed to by consensus: that religion-specific programs could take place in the Centre if they were open to all… So the Roman Catholic mass would take place down in the MFC, but a discussion on Liberation Theology could take place in the ICCentre – open to people of all faiths or none. A Jewish discussion group – open to attendance by non-Jews – could be located in the ICCentre. We have a vision of the Centre as a place where people of different religions and diverse spirituality will meet each other, get to know each other, engage each other in informal conversation, and engage each other in planned conversations. In our discussion, we emphasized the importance of the listening part of conversation. We spoke of the Centre as a place where diversity would be celebrated, where faith questions could be brought – not necessarily to be answered in definitive ways, but to be wrestled with in relationship and community – and where Safe Space was assured even as differences were brought forward and engaged. We hope to develop the ICCentre as a place where common humanity is apparent in the religious diversity. We spoke of the envisioned ICCentre as “an open place” (where people seek to listen and understand), a “place of peace” (not confrontation), a place of “community and conversation” (not proselytization).

The group asked Tom to post the links to resources that will help us see how other people at other universities have worked to achieve these goals.

3:45 pm The meeting closed with thoughts of candles being lit in the next hour as the Jewish Sabbath would begin and in churches on the weekend as Advent would continue. The metaphor of the candle inspires our hope that the ICCentre will be a place of warmth and light for students in the months and years ahead.

December 2014 Pause Table – Meg and Michael managing it, Scott and the Jewish community participating on Monday December 15th, Tim hoping to connect the RC Chaplaincy, St. Margaret Mary’s and other resources

Office hours – the commitments and schedule as outlined in the minutes
Tom to connect with the following people about this:
Fr. Michael Sakran – Orthodox Christian community
Dr. Aisha Sherazi – Muslim community
Imam Sikander Hasmi – Muslim community

Programming – Adil to consult with CUSA and the Womyns’ Centre, Tom to get back to the off-campus alumni who would like to do something (Faith House and SCM Ottawa), everyone to be prepared to discuss this in January

Membership – Tom to follow up with the suggested Hindu leader, the people who missed today’s meeting, and the Buddhist community; everyone to give thought to recruiting appropriate people for the ICCouncil and test their ideas by email.

NEXT MEETING Thursday January 15 at 2:30 pm in the Interfaith Chaplaincy Centre.