Minutes – May 22, 2015

Carleton Interfaith Chaplaincy Council
Thursday May 22, 2015 – 1 pm

1. The meeting began at 1 pm with Introductions.

Regrets were received from Ryan Flannagan, Karen Green, Tim McCauley, Arran Thorpe, and Sid Ypma.

But instead of Karen, Smita Bharadia (Equity Advisor) attended, and instead of Ryan, Vicki Boman (Student Support Case Manager) attended, and instead of Fr. Tim, Andrew Nobauer (Roman Catholic Chaplaincy) attended.
Also present: Scott Goldstein, Brian Laughton, Leslie Macdonald-Hicks, Bertie Mo, Michael Perkin and Tom Sherwood

2. Opening Devotional “Interfaith, Multifaith and Syncretism” – Tom animated a brief discussion of the terms we use for activities and programs that involve people from different religions and faith perspectives.

3. The Agenda and April 16, 2015 Minutes were both approved as circulated.

4. University Reports

a) Student Affairs.
Vicki described her work with Students at Risk, in a general way mentioning incidents and referrals that might be areas where the Chaplaincy and Student Affairs would work together. She also reviewed Ryan’s concern about any Chaplaincy items that might impact his Student Affairs budget. The only two identified, at this time, are the WiFi and the “counselling room” door. There will also be a need for more access cards in September when we have a larger number of people using the office, but that is not seen as a major expense.

b) Equity Office.
Smita described her own work in equity at Carleton, including Religious Accommodations, the Jewish Issues Committee and the Muslim Issues Committee. She added that Karen and Bertie are working together on relating Carleton to the culminating events of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, May 30 to June 2.

c) Residence Life.
Laura reminded us that her M.Ed. focus was on spirituality, and that she is dedicated to including religion and spirituality in the ResLife programming.
She and Scott are consulting on a “Big Ideas” series that would include exploring faith and spirituality in a secular university as part of the student experience. It might engage such issues as altruism, for example.
She also spoke about Food Services issues relating to Kosher and Halal requests. Scott reported very positively on this, and Laura indicated that there is a plan in place for the exceptional schedule needs in Ramadan.
Laura emphasized the Interfaith Chaplaincy’s opportunities to participate in ResLife training on August 18, 19 and 20, and Aug 24. – These events are described on the first page of “Anticipating the 2015-2016 Academic Year” as follows (copy and paste) —

Two opportunities to participate in ResFellow training – 94 student staff preparing to be resource people for the 3600 students in residence from September 1, 2015 to April 30, 2016.

1. Case Study Scavenger Hunt
Teams are formed, problems and cases are presented, and the teams go from place to place (offices and service centres) collecting clues and solving their case studies.

Three days
Tuesday August 18th @ 2:00pm-5:30pm      *not all offices are open after 4:30pm
Wednesday August 19th @ 1:00pm – 4:30pm
Thursday August 20th @ 1:00pm – 4:30pm.

This would involve Volunteer Interfaith Chaplains waiting in the Chaplaincy Centre until each team arrives, and being prepared to give out the clue to the next step.


2. Campus Services Fair Lunch
An opportunity for ResLife staff to become familiar with the various services available on campus and acquire resources to refer to as needed. ResLife woud like to include the Interfaith Chaplaincy. So, they are hosting a Carleton Services Fair Lunch for the 94 student staff on Monday, August 24th  from 12:30pm-2:00pm.  The Interfaith Chaplaincy would be assigned a table, and it would be hoped that a table-top display, posters and take-away literature would be available, plus one or two or three people to answer questions – lunch would be provided for all participants.

Location TBA.
Monday, August 24th  from 12:30pm-2:00pm.


It was decided that the Interfaith Chaplaincy could probably staff for the Scavenger Hunt and definitely staff for the Services Fair. The roster of volunteers for these activities will be developed in June.

It was noted that “Move In” Day is the Saturday before Labour Day this year. Also from the advance document “Anticipating the 2015-2016 Academic Year” –

2015 schedule
Tuesday September 1 is Academic Orientation Day
Wednesday September 2 classes begin, and Wednesday-Thursday are normal days.
Friday September 4 classes follow a Monday schedule.
Monday September 7 is Labour Day, a Statutory holiday, the university is closed.
Tuesday September 8 is the first day for Tuesday classes.
Monday-Friday September 14-18 is the first “normal” week… except for people who observe
Rosh Hashanah (September 14).

5. Volunteer Coordinator’s Report
Tom reported that he had preached the homily at the Joe Scanlon funeral May 9, and done considerable visiting with the family and with Joe’s “Carleton family.”
He said that he and Bertie were continuing part-time office hours through May and June.
He reminded the Council that the June 25th meeting would be his last as the Volunteer Coordinator, although he would be available to support his successor and the Council from off campus the rest of the year (July 1 to December 31) and possibly as an extra volunteer, if needed, when he returns to teaching in January 2016. The Council needs to recruit a Coordinator for the 2015-2016 Academic Year, a one-year term.

6. Office Hours
Scott uses the Interfaith Chaplaincy office, but does not schedule office hours. Tom and Bertie are each volunteering about 3-4 hours/week in May-June.
There are a number of volunteers who might offer office hours in July-August. One or two will be invited to the June 25 meeting. The Council will need to establish the schedule of office hours for September on.

7. Program
The April Pause Table was offered on 9 exam days and attracted/served 11,000+ contacts. Huge thanks to Meg Illman-White, Ryan Babcock and Adam O’Neill and everybody.

8. Constitutional documents as distributed
The following documents were reviewed for information and approved as appropriate drafts for the coming year of chaplaincy, the 2015-2016 academic year. They will be a basis for our work together, but reviewed and revised according to experience.

Memorandum of Understanding
Responsibilities of the Coordinator
Responsibilities of the Interfaith Chaplaincy
Financial Support
Anticipating the 2015-2016 academic year

9. Any other business
Scott invited everybody to Yehuda’s Bar Mitvah !
It is on Saturday June 27. The invitation will be e-mailed, and several of us already plan to go.

10. Next meeting: June 25 at 1 pm