Minutes – January 15, 2015

The second meeting of the CIC Council took place at 2:30 pm in the CIC Centre.

Scott Goldstein
Meg Illman-White
Michael Perkin
Roseann O’Reilly Runte
Aisha Sherazi
Tom Sherwood
Arran Thorpe

Sikander Hasmi
Leslie Macdonald Hicks
Kristin Konieczny
Tim McCauley
Michael Sakran
Adil Tahseen

1. The meeting began at 2:30 pm with greetings and introductions

2. The Opening Devotional was actually an Interfaith Quiz. The challenge was to identify the source religion for several parallel and similar teachings from different faith traditions.

3. Approval of Agenda
Since some had to leave early, Tom was given permission to chair the agenda in a way that would be flexible and responsive to people’s attendance.

4. Approval of December Minutes
Two corrections or additions: reference to the December Pause Table should include appreciation of the contributions made by Ryan Babcock and Michael Perkin.

5. Greetings from President Runte
(This also picked up Item 7 on the circulated Agenda – program.)
Roseann spoke about the plans for a Carleton interfaith event related to International Women’s Day, and several people joined in the conversation. Arran reminded the group of the 2015 theme, “Make it happen!” and we brainstormed models and resources. It was decided that:

  • Meg and Aisha would approach Katherine Kelly
  • the model would be a 3-person interfaith panel of women with a moderator
  • the focusing questions for each panelist would be something like
    • What is the “It” in “Make it happen”?
    • What is your religion doing to make changes?
    • What needs to be done?

We brainstormed names of people who might participate.
All Council members need to take responsibility for contributing to the planning and promotion of this event, but Meg and Aisha will take the first steps.

6. We reviewed Office Hours for the volunteer chaplains, and Arran signed up for Monday mornings from 9:30 am. This will mean that he overlaps with Tom a bit, just as Meg does on Tuesday.

7. Program (See #5 above.)

8. Membership in the Council
Tom reported that Syd Ypma, the Ottawa Christian Reformed Campus Chaplain, based at uOttawa, is interested in connecting with the CICC; and it was agreed to invite him to the next meeting and possible continuing membership. Tom will also speak with Paul Skanks and Irwin Hill about Aboriginal membership, Angela Sumeji about a Buddhist rep and or chaplain, and with Dr. Harsha V. Dehejia about Hindu participation.

9. Tom mentioned that the agenda for the first six months of 2015 includes the establishment of draft guidelines for the Council and the use of the Centre. He asked if Scott and Michael could look over the resource materials posted on the Canadian Campus Chaplaincy Centre website, and do a little advance thinking about this.
Tom also reported that he has been invited to consult with Marc Duvall, Director of Community Life Services at uOttawa, because they are considering the formation of an interfaith chaplaincy council too. Scott agreed to join that meeting if he is available.

The meeting had to adjourn at 3:30 because of people’s commitments, but Meg and Aisha began working on their plans for the International Women’s Day/Week event, and Tom and Arran consulted about office hours before departures.

And we scheduled the next meeting: Thursday February 12 at 2:30 pm in the Interfaith Chaplaincy Centre.

International Women’s Day/Week event – Aisha, Meg, Roseann and everybody; Adil to be in touch about CUSA and Womyn’s Centre plans
Office Hours – all volunteer chaplains, Aisha and Sikander to consider introducing the Muslim presence into office hours
Constitution – Michael and Scott to give some thought to this, looking over resources.
Membership – Tom to be very busy recruiting, also generating Minutes, Notice of Meeting and staying in touch with people between meetings.

Minutes of the December meeting have been posted on the website:

Other resources related to our work are also posted:

And the Agenda for our work from here to June is posted:

These draft minutes will be posted soon.